the advantages of the application sales
Submit an offer in the form of PDF document or online file, using a template or a defined product
Let your customers easily review and sign online offers (electronic signatures) from every place
Communicate quickly and efficiently (directly from the level of offers via e-mail address)
Automatically keep complete records of your negotiations
Maximize profits thanks to upselling - automatically propose offers of additional options and accessories
Send clear and full offers to potential customers - create attractive offers based on personalized ready-made Odoo templates
Optimize your pricing strategy to maximize revenue
Use the pricing rules to calculate the right price based on promotions, sales conditions, quantity discounts and customer data. Each customer can have their personalized price list
Sort orders and contracts
Automate order sorting and contracting operations and focus on customer relationships and revenue growth
Convert offers for sales orders with just one click or allow the customer to sign documents with a simple electronic signature
Improve the process of paperwork thanks to the "Customer Portal" tool, where the customer has access to offers, sales orders and delivery orders, etc.
Implement international sales successfully - the system supports many languages and currencies
Handle B2B and B2C sales in Poland, Europe and worldwide in gross and net prices, with and without tax in one system